Colorado Cannabis Eligible 5 Acre Parcel For Sale (County Cultivation License Guaranteed*)

Ordway, CO 81063, USA


Listing 3816

Asking Price: $265,000 – $435,000

Currently, most major metropolitan cities and counties in Colorado have moratoriums on new cultivation licenses meaning it is becoming more difficult to find properties that are eligible for new licenses. You are either left with purchasing a turnkey property with an existing license (which can be very expensive) or purchase an existing license to move to a new (pre-approved) location – also expensive.

Fortunately, these rare property lots come with a guarantee of getting a county cultivation license (*provided you pass an MED background check and apply for your State license). These parcels are unique for a multiple reasons:

– You can split these 5-acre parcels into two addresses and live where you work!

– These parcels are approved for Recreational Cultivation (ROPC) and Recreational Manufacturing (R-MIPs) Licenses

– Current power access includes 277-480v 3 Phase power.

– 8″ Municipal-rated water line with fire hydrant (lowers insurance premium) which means you won’t need to haul water or go through the timely and expensive process of drilling a commercial well

– 6″ Natural gas line so you wont need to have propane delivered.

We can also connect you with local contractors who specialize in the development of greenhouses, hoop houses, hybrid warehouses, and more all tailored to the cannabis industry. With year-round sunshine and located in the newest “green-belt” of southern Colorado ensuring additional privacy/security, this is the ideal location to begin growing from the ground up.

Term of purchase

  • For Sale: $265,000 – $435,000


Dom Schatz – GLRA – ER.100052058

  • ID: 8262
  • Published: November 11, 2021
  • Last Update: November 17, 2021
  • Views: 1003

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