- State: Arizona
- City: Aguila
- Licensed: Yes
- Offer type: For Sale
- Property Type: Cultivation , Delivery , Distribution , Extraction , Hemp , Nursery
- Acres: 680
- Availability: Available
Listing 179
Asking: $2,750,000
Preliminary site plan for 345,000 sqft in warehouse space for processing, harvesting, nursery, storage and transportation equipment. Perfect CA to AZ location along State Route 60 and Highway 10. Soil is certified Organic. Perfect growing climate with an average of 296 sunny days per year, incredible solar potential. Property exceeds 15 mile buffer from other hemp farms. Zoned AG and agriculturally exempt. Owner will carry or lease.
Property Description / Benefits Statement:
- CBD licensed Hemp property w/680 total acres
- 126 acres cleared w/irrigation ditches
- 100 acres of grandfathered water rights & 2600 GPM well
- 687.73 acre feet of water annually allotted
- 7 separate licenses & 5 separate LLC’s accompany this sale:
- Grower
- Transporter
- Harvester
- Processor
- Seed Seller
- Seed Labeling
- Nursery licenses & LLCs
Cannabis Uses: Cultivation, Delivery, Distribution, Hemp, Extraction, Nursery
Lot Size: 680 acres
Licensed: Yes
Zoning Description: Zoned for 100 acres of grow with surrounding room buildings and expansion with state approval for water.
Terms of Purchase: Cash, Owner Carry, Joint Venture, Lease/Purchase or Lease
Luther Kraxberger — Realty One Group Mountain Desert — LC654107003
- ID: 5508
- Published: January 17, 2020
- Last Update: October 13, 2022
- Views: 2399