About CREC

  • About CREC
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  • 1. How does investing work with CREC?

    The first step is to take a realistic look at the amount you wish to invest and how long you need until you realize profits. Also, you will need to know whether a property will require tenant improvements or additional investment.

    Based on those amounts, CREC can help you determine the type of cannabis property that may be most suited to you.


    Read our guide for investing in cannabis


    Click here to apply as an investor

  • 2. Who will be my CREC agent?

    There are multiple agents working at CREC. We have an experienced team and will match you up with the agent who will best be able to assist you and your property type. Please get started by signing up on our website and looking through our 420 friendly real estate directory.

  • 3. How do you find buyers for properties or tenants for landlords?

    CREC utilizes our extensive networks to save time. The CREC website also is an easy to use place for buyers and tenants to look for available properties.

    View our cannabis real estate properties

    Sign Up as a Buyer

    Sign Up as a Seller

  • 4. How do you (CREC) get listings for your site?

    CREC receives cannabis real estate in Oregon, California, Michigan, Florida and more city listings from property owners who contact us directly or submit online. We also receive referrals from satisfied customers and our network of fellow brokers. Each property is reviewed and analyzed for potential cannabis usage. Please submit your listing to get started.

    You can also search for listings based on their potential property type:

  • 5. What will your attorneys do to help?

    CREC can introduce you to attorneys that we have worked with in the past or that have been recommended to us that can most likely handle your legal issues.

    Attorneys that work with CREC can assist in drafting and negotiating lease terms and purchase agreements, conduct due diligence to ensure all legal measures are covered in regard to city, county, and state regulations, and confirm that a property meets the legal restrictions and criteria for a cannabis business.

  • 6. What is the difference between CREC Certified and General / Unverified Listings?

    The CREC Certified listings have a verified license, have been reviewed to be in the correct zoning and our the properties we received that are viable 420 property in California, Oregon, Michigan, Florida and more for establishing a cannabis business.

    General / Unverified listings were not analyzed by our staff and we do not recommend for or against these properties.

    We still recommend that you use the CREC Certified listings to have the best opportunity for selling your property for cannabis use, but this new listing type now gives everyone access to sharing their property on our growing platform.

  • 7. How Do I Access the Cannabis Listing Service (CLS) & Matching Tool?

    If you are an on-market seller, buyer, or investor of cannabis licenses / real estate now or in the future, than you HAVE to be listed in the CLS!

    Did you get an email notification? We are currently reaching out to all contacts who have submitted information to us over the past 5 years and we hope you will take a moment to update your records in the CLS. If you received an email, please click the link to update each of your records or contact us at info@crec.us for support updating your records for the CLS.

    If you received an email, click the link to update your record. You can select inactive and put why in more details field or select active and then update all your details to be found in the CLS.

    If you did not, you can add your details to the CLS below: 


    It is FREE for everyone to add their details to the CLS, to be matched now and in the future.

    *Members of the CREC Network have full access to the Cannabis Listing Service and Matching Tools!


    The Cannabis Listing Service (CLS) is a proprietary system and private database developed by Cannabis Real Estate Consultants to connect buyers and sellers based on their specific criteria entered in the CREC Portal.

    When you add your details to the CLS, you are automatically matched with our current records and with people searching for your interests in the future!

    This listing service not only shows viable, certified properties/licenses available for cannabis, but it also shows the buyers who are active and potentially interested in your opportunity. Join us as we scale to better match buyers and sellers in the cannabis industry, privately!


    How Do I Access the Research & Matching Tools? Access to the matching tool and other technology is available to CREC Network Member Subscribers. When you submit your details into the CLS it will trigger the matching tool and our agents will contact you with any high quality opportunities. You will now be in the CLS and available for other matches in the future.

    All your data has to be correct to make the most out of our matching tool, which uses 6 key data points in an algorithm developed from 5+ years of research in our brokerage. It has been designed to connect our audience with their best potential fits and you can only be matched if you have updated your CLS records. It should only take a few minutes to add your interests.


    The CREC Portal and Custom Cannabis Maps allow you to pin point exact locations that will be viable for cannabis operations. There is truly no other tool on the market that provides more information to find eligible properties in a variety of locations.


    If you do not have an email notification to click, but want to add your details, use these forms to add your contact info and then complete the second form with your property or buyer details.


    Sellers Start Here:

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    Buyers Start Here:

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  • 8. What is the Qualified Tenant Program? bunk

    We have more than one real estate developer/investor interested in finding cannabis tenants and are willing to buy, or build, buildings on parcels with qualified tenants.

    They require qualified tenants and by qualified they mean businessmen who have a success story, preferably in the cannabis industry. If not, a the tenant should have a strong history outside of it. Our investors/developers are focused on the operators history of meeting their goals, scaling a business, and financial responsibility.

    What do investors/developers require?

    • Historical Success
      • Previous businesses or operations
      • Executive team and site management team introduction and bio’s
    • Operations History – full financials and milestone achievement
      • This will include a business plan and a timeline that shows when they achieved each of their goals in comparison with what they had planned.
    • Business Scope and Long Term Plan
      • Vertically integrated business with plans to expand the operation at this location.
    • Contracts or Distribution Network
      • If there are retailers or clientele in the chain that needs more of your product
    • Current Financials
      • What you as an operator will spend on build out
      • How much is allocated for the lease and your terms during construction
    • Lease Terms
      • 5-15 year lease terms, lease will be calculated depending on an initial cap rate and a maximum capacity cap rate.
    • Guarantor
      • Personal or corporate guarantor, for the duration of the lease.


    What does the operator get out of it?

    • A financial partner that will back any real estate necessities from acquiring buildings to building whatever structure is required for expansion on land.
      • Many of these developers have secured agreements with operators nationwide, and are excited about the industry.
    • A pro cannabis landlord that will provide full support for licensing and any architectural requirements.
      • Helps with CUP amendments for new state license applications.
    • A built to suit property if done on a parcel, that meets all the requirements of the operator.
      • Perfect for those who are automating 3 or 4 tier cannabis operations or have other requirements such as cogeneration or multiple C1D1/D2 rooms.


    Qualifying takes a couple weeks, and requires three meetings with the developer/investors.

    Have all your above documentation and information available to make the process go smoothly.


    Contact Us

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