Michigan Real Estate & Cannabis Regulations

Cannabis Status: Open

The Michigan Cannabis Real Estate market is heating up and offers a large opportunity in a thriving area. On our website we have many properties listed for cannabis use in Michigan and we have published our team’s research on Michigan’s demographics, market analysis, taxation, cannabis regulations and more to help you find the right location.

Name: Michigan
Population: 9,996,000
Median Income: $54,909
Cannabis Uses: Retail, Safety Compliance Facility, Secure Transporter, Processor, Microbusiness, Cultivation
State Cannabis Overview: The state of Michigan legalized commercial cannabis in the beginning of 2020. As this is a new market, there are several untapped markets that have just recently legalized or in the process of legalizing cannabis.

Michigan Cannabis & Commercial Real Estate Research

Uses: Retail, Safety Compliance Facility, Secure Transporter, Processor, Microbusiness, Class A grow (>100 plants), Class B (>500 plants), Class C (>2000 plants)

Distance Requirement: The property where the proposed marijuana establishment is to be located is not within an area zoned exclusively for residential use and is not within 1,000 feet of a pre-existing public or private school providing education in kindergarten or any of grades 1 through 12, unless a municipality adopts an ordinance that reduces this distance requirement;

Cap of Business: If a municipality limits the number of marijuana establishments that may be licensed in the municipality pursuant to section 6 of this act and that limit prevents the department from issuing a state license to all applicants who meet the requirements of subsection 3, the municipality shall decide among competing applications by a competitive process intended to select applicants who are best suited to operate in compliance with this act within the municipality. No owner can own other marijuana properties when applying for another application (Section 3.d.3)

Tax Rate: Adult use retail: Purchases are subject to a 10% marijuana excise tax, and the statewide 6% sales tax.
Medical marijuana: Purchases are subject only to the statewide 6% sales tax.

  • Ann Arbor
  • Bay City
  • Detroit

Visit CREC Portal for more information on Michigan Real Estate.


Trusted Cannabis Professionals from CREC Directory

View the CREC Directory for our personally vetted and highly recommended professional service providers.

Nine Point Strate...
Nine Point Strategies (NPS) has been protecting the cannabis industry for over a decade nationally. They provide s […]
Rair Capital, LLC.
A Lending Platform for Commercial Borrowers. Rair Capital’s commercial lending platform has the resources in plac […]
Why Choose GreenSpacePro: Effective communication between cannabis operations is critical for success and complian […]
Vantage Point Tit...
Title from a Different Perspective - Closing/settlement solutions combing cutting edge technology with exceptional […]

Available Michigan Cannabis Business & Property Listings

Review our Michigan cannabis real estate for sale or lease below. We also have businesses in Michigan for sale with a cannabis license. Contact us for more information and sign up to be a buyer or a seller on our website to get started with your property in the state of Michigan.

We can help you find a property in our network, even if not listed in our online inventory. Ask us how!

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